About Developmental Panel
For our Developmental Nutrigenomic Panel, 34 genes have been chosen by our experts to be analyzed for SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms). The report, created by our medical experts, will take the patient’s genetic results and create nutritional and lifestyle recommendations along with recommended lab work and health precautions based upon several factors and our clinical expertise. The built-in proprietary software takes out the guess work and allows the provider to recommend the proper nutrition and health advisements safely by your DNA results.
Developmental NutriGenomic Panel Reports Analyzes These Key Areas:
- Neurotransmitters
- Autophagy Consideration
- Sugar Sensitivity
- Methylation
- Detoxification
Who Needs This Gene Panel?
- Spectrum disorders
- Childhood attention disorders
- Speech delay
- Reading, writing, and counting/math trouble
- Auditory disorders
- Seizure related disorders
PLEASE NOTE: If you are a provider choosing the Developmental Panel and swabbing a child, please add an extra minute to the swabbing time. GX Sciences has determined that children often yield buccal swab samples with a low concentration of cheek cells, which leads to low concentration of DNA for our genotyping assay. Additional contact time between the swab and the child’s cheek is needed to collect the best sample and prevent recollection.
Learn More by Investing in the Training Course
Genetic testing for developmental areas can help doctors and their patients better understand where issues may be occurring because of genetic variants. Identify key concepts impacting children with developmental disorders, understand necessary interventions based on genetic predisposition, learn about immune activation and the impact on neurological health, and understanding neurotransmitter pathways and methylation in regard to children’s health by signing up for our exclusive Developmental Online Training Course. Gain a deeper understanding of how Fagron Genomics US supports providers’ development of personalized treatment options, including one developmental kit to try as a provider. You also gain exclusive access to Fagron Genomics US’ Corporate Educator for scheduling dedicated calls to answer any questions you may have.
Are you a Registered Fagron Genomics Provider or Partner? Order testing panels at special wholesale pricing, view resources, and more via our online provider portal.
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Are you a provider or potential partner wanting to learn more to see if Fagron Genomics US’ testing is right for your business? Get started by contacting us today.