Welcome to a new era of...
- Personalizing Medicine for Your Patients
- Increasing Patient Compliance
- Faster, Customizable, Easy-to-Read Results

Nutrigenomic Panels
- Methylation Panel
- Auto-Immune Panel
- Developmental Panel
- Inflammatory Panel
- Comprehensive Panel

Pharmacogenomic Panels
- NutriGen™ for Weight and Food Management
- TeloTest for Biological Age Testing
- AcneTest for Skin Genetic Predisposition Assessment
- Sports Panel – Coming Soon
Explore Customization
Tailor Reports to Your Needs
The Process
- Inquire to customize at info@gxsciences.com
- Visit with one of our Account Managers to understand your needs
- Receive a proposal within 5 business days
- Once agreed, work with one of our team members to begin Private Label or Customization process
- Entire process can take 3 to 6 weeks based on complexity
myNutriGen™ is our first direct to consumer test and is now available to order online. Start taking control over your own diet and wellness with an insightful genetic test to personalize your journey for half the cost of other tests out there. As with all of our testing, your privacy is respected and your data is not sold to 3rd parties. After ordering – gain access to an exclusive list of licensed, certified experts ready to help continue your journey. Use code “SITE5” for an additional 5% off!
TeloTest™ effectively measures a key aspect of cellular reproduction (telomere lengths) in order to quantify the degree of cellular aging at the time of sampling. The result is a simple report comparing your “biological age” to your real age, suggesting how far ahead (or behind) you are in how well you are aging at the cellular level. Personalize how to delay premature aging, or help validate that you’re on the right track. Use code “SITE5” for an additional 5% off!

Do You Want To Grow Your Practice?
Contact Us Today