About AcneTest
AcneTest use an advanced, pharmacogenomics-centered algorithm that assesses skin genetic predisposition and patient anamnesis to guide and improve the treatment of acne. Our test is a pharmacogenomics-centered test intended to guide and personalize the treatment of acne by combining genetic data with relevant patient anamnesis through an advanced algorithm. The results help dermatologists personalize acne treatment and prevent permanent scarring and hyperpigmentation. This test recommends the most appropriate formulas to prescribe the best treatment to achieve optimal results.
This includes the analysis of:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)
Acne is not just a problem for teenagers.
It affects all ages and genetics is a strong determining factor. This explains why some people get acne and others don’t, despite similar diet and lifestyle. Acne doesn’t make someone dirty or unhygienic. In over 80% of cases, acne is caused by their genetics and out of their control. Many continue to suffer despite trying everything to clear their acne, causing physical and emotional pain. This is why a pharmacogenetic approach is imperative to getting to the right treatment plan when over the counter treatments are not enough.
Who is affected by acne?
Acne is a disease that affects all ages of the population worldwide. 1 in 2 women over the age of 25 continue to suffer. Although it is a treatable disease, many patients do not get the right treatment in time, which can lead to permanent scarring and increased anxiety and depression. The sooner effective treatment is started, the better the outcome, both physically and mentally.

world population

women older than 25 years
What does AcneTest analyze?

AcneTest includes personalized treatment recommendations based on an analysis of the following categories:
- Acne predisposition
- Skin condition and inflammation
- Pharmacogenetics
- Hormonal approach
Classification of acne according to the severity of the disease
The test report relies on genetic variants associated with the individual propensity to acne and its sequelae. Additionally, a clinical questionnaire developed and validated by world-renowned dermatologists considers anamnesis data in deciding the ideal medication for each patient.

Acne optimal treatment in 4 steps

1. Order Kit
First, kits are ordered via exclusive online portal and sent to either the practice’s office or drop shipped directly to the patient’s home.

2. DNA Collection
Next, a DNA sample is collected via 1-minute buccal cheek swab, a questionnaire is filled out, and both are easily sent back directly to the Fagron Genomics US lab.

3. Send Sample
Then Fagron Genomics US will process each patient’s sample, and typically within just 5 – 7 business will upload each report to the provider’s online portal account.

4. Results
Finally, the provider goes over the report with each patient and recommends lifestyle and diet changes.
Apply to Become a Provider of AcneTest
Are you a dermatologist or licensed skin specialist that is interested in offering AcneTest in your practice? Please enter your email and our Account Manager will contact you with next steps.

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